On The High Street

Epic Sports is not just a name, it is our way to experience cycling. When we plan our collections we first visualize the journey. It does not matter how long it is or what the destination is; what we have at heart the most is to be able to experience all the potential beauty. The secret behind our brand is a simple one: it is a story that is not conceived by designers but by impassioned people, who work every day to create Premium products that take us back to a pure and authentic pleasure of pedaling. This is the lifestyle that makes us happy, and we want to share it with our peloton.

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The cyclists' needs are our mission

ut we were responding to an inner call, we felt the need to go beyond, to try and create something new. We wanted to set a new standard in the field of cycling apparel. We dreamed to offer a range of Premium products at accessible prices that, at the same time, would meet all the needs without overlooking the style. One day, we woke up and understood that our commitment, our sleepless nights and the hours we spent travelling had turned all this into reality.

Join Our Community

Come and meet us for a coffee (on us!) and a chat, and we'll be glad to share the wealth of knowledge and experience that our staff gain from their own time out there on the road and trail.